
Li Qingquan, secretary of the Party Committee, opened the new semester "Ideological and political first lesson" : Bear the heavy task of rejuvenation, transmit the spirit of the Special Zone, and write deep chapters

来源: Release time: 2024-09-25 12:27 Number of hits: Views

On the afternoon of September 24, Li Qingquan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenzhen University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a lecture on the First Lesson of Ideology and Politics in the Autumn semester of 2024 for students in the lecture hall of Qiming Building on Lihu Campus with the title of "Bearing the burden of Rejuvenation, Spreading the Spirit of the Special Zone, and Writing Deep Chapters".。Vice President Li Yonghua presided over the lecture. More than 240 people listened to the lecture, including heads of relevant functional departments, military training teachers and representatives of freshmen who are participating in military training。

Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and take responsibility for the Chinese-style modernization drive

Studying and implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is a major political task for the whole Party and the whole country at present and in the coming period。In the "Ideological and political First lesson" of the new semester, Li Qingquan first led the teachers and students to review the Third plenary sessions of the Party since the reform and opening up, and emphasized the milestone significance of these important meetings in China's economic and social development。随后,He deeply understood and grasped the rich connotation and great significance of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee,Comprehensively and accurately understand the guiding ideology, overall goals, major principles and major measures for further comprehensively deepening reform,The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party's distinctive theme, spiritual essence, great significance and so on were preached and explained。

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party clearly established a system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation, and made a comprehensive deployment for promoting the integrated reform of the system and mechanism of education, science and technology talents。Li Qingquan pointed out,We will thoroughly implement the strategy of reinvigorating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening China through human resources, and the strategy of innovation-driven development,We will deepen comprehensive reform of education, deepen reform of the system for science and technology, and deepen reform of the systems and mechanisms for personnel development,This is to improve the new national system,Important measures to enhance the overall efficiency of the national innovation system,We will speed up efforts to make China strong in education, science and technology, and human resources,Will form a multiplier effect to promote high-quality development,Support and lead the Chinese-style modernization。

Li Qingquan encouraged the students,We should deeply recognize that the current period is a major historical opportunity to promote high-quality development and realize personal value,We should further deepen our understanding of comprehensively deepening reform,Know where you want to go,It is very responsible for the Chinese-style modernization drive,In science and technology self-reliance, education to build a strong country, the great cause of national rejuvenation to contribute youth strength。

"Closely around the fundamental task of moral education and people, toward the strategic goal of building an education power.。”

Li Qingquan pointed out,At the recently concluded National Education Conference,习近平总书记擘画了教育强国建设的蓝图,It systematically explains the scientific connotation and basic path of education power,For the first time, it puts forward the "six characteristics" of education power and the "five important relationships" to be handled well in building education power.,Major strategic tasks and measures to comprehensively promote the construction of a powerful country in education have been systematically deployed,Issued a strong call for "solid progress towards the strategic goal of building an education powerhouse"。习近平总书记强调,教育引导青少年学生坚定马克思主义信仰、中国特色社会主义信念、中华民族伟大复兴信心,立报国强国大志向、Be a committed struggler。Li Qingquan encouraged the students,要牢记习近平总书记嘱托,将学习体悟内化于心、外化于行,以青春为笔,以梦想为墨,书写出无愧于时代、无愧于人民的报国答卷。

Cultivate the "Soul of the University" and practice the "Three-self Spirit"

Li Qingquan pointed out that Shenzhen University was born with the special economic zone, prospers with the reform and opening up, and always resonates with the urban development of Shenzhen in the same frequency。For 41 years,Shenzhen University carries forward the Special Zone spirit of "dare to venture, dare to be the first, and work hard",Uphold the school motto of "self-reliance, self-discipline and self-improvement",Down-to-earth, self-improvement,Spearheading a number of reforms,It has created many firsts in Chinese higher education,Especially since entering the new era,Shenzhen University has achieved leapfrog development,Out of the new "deep speed" of China's higher education reform and development,It has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents and builders of the special zone who are down-to-earth, pioneering and innovative, loyal and forgiving in their duties。

Li Qingquan stressed,Standing at a new starting point in the development of The Times,Shenzhen University will bravely shoulder the responsibility of The Times,Deeply integrate into the "three-step" strategy of the construction of the pilot demonstration zone,We will accelerate the building of world-class comprehensive universities,To build a benchmark socialist university with Chinese characteristics in a new era,Start with "global breadth,Chinese altitude,Shenzhen Speed takes root in two Regions,Strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Shenzhen University。

The "Six Kungfu" and the "Song of Youth"

How should you spend your youth in Liyuan?Take a "strong army to serve the country", experience a "walking ideological and political class", participate in a "starry night talk", watch a "Dear Red Army", participate in social practice,Participate in scientific research and innovation,To volunteer...Li Qingquan combined his own experience and the struggle stories of teachers and students in the school, encouraging everyone to hone their physical quality, participate in practical experience, and temper their tenacious spirit, so as to seek knowledge and promote action with knowledge。

"I hope you will take the initiative to integrate personal development into the great practice of building a strong country, and resonate with the development of the country, only in this way, you can find your own place in the development of the country;Only in this way can you serve the development of your country while reaping your own growth。Li Qingquan encouraged the students to become "moral, intellectual, physical, American and labor all-round development of socialist builders and successors" as the goal, the full foot of the "six kung fu", excited the "song of youth"。

Li Qingquan said: "Whether a person can do something depends on whether there is a spiritual pursuit.。He encouraged students to work hard on their ideals and beliefs。Ideals guide the direction of life, faith determines the success or failure of a cause. If the young generation has ideals and responsibilities, the country has a future and the nation has hope.Second, we must work hard to cultivate patriotism。Patriotism is the national heart and soul of the Chinese nation. We must ask and answer the three questions of patriotism generation after generation.Third, we must work hard to strengthen moral cultivation。Moral first, self-cultivation as the basis, "buckle the first button of life";Fourth, we must work hard to increase our knowledge and insight。We should strive to become outstanding talents with both national feelings and global vision, cherish the "great country", and bravely shoulder the mission of The Times;Fifth, we must work hard to cultivate the spirit of struggle。To establish lofty aspirations, "will not easy, things do not seek refuge", uphold an optimistic attitude toward life, knowledge and action, vigorous and promising, self-improvement;Sixth, we must work hard to enhance the overall quality。The cultivation of comprehensive ability and innovative spirit throughout the whole process of learning, always maintain the spirit of daring to be the first, vigorous and upward, and strive to become a new person of the era。

"Born in a great time,Is the new era deep adult luck;Live up to the great Times,Is the responsibility of the new age deep adults!"End of lecture,Li Qingquan encouraged the freshmen of the class of 2024 to make great ambition to serve the country,Be a committed struggler,Try to write a new footnote for the four rank Shenda,In the vivid practice of promoting the construction of a powerful country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese modernization, write a new style belonging to the students of Shenzhen University!

(Party Committee Propaganda Department reporter Yang Yinglan Kong Haoyu)

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