
Professor Lin Jing team, Department of Medicine Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Published two research results on precision diagnosis and treatment of cancer

Source: Department of Medicine Release time: 2024-06-17 10:03 Number of hits: Views

In June 2024, Professor Lin Jing's team from the School of Biomedical Engineering of Shenzhen University Health Science Center was published in top international academic journalsAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.(Impact factor 16.6,Chinese Academy of Sciences District 1,TOP期刊)上发表了题为《太阳城app 主题教育》的研究论文。Associate Researcher Liu Yurong and Master student Zhang Jing (currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Tokyo) were the first author, Professor Lin Jing was the sole corresponding author, and Shenzhen University was the sole author。The team developed a class of PH-activated long-wavelength cyanine photosensitizers for visual photodynamic therapy (PDT).。This type of photosensitizer can be specifically activated by the acidic tumor microenvironment, thereby reducing the phototoxic side effects of normal tissue and enabling NIR fluorescence (FL) and photoacoustic (PA) dual-mode imaging。By introducing different halogens to regulate the exciton dynamics of molecules, the ISC efficiency of photoelectrons is improved, so as to increase the quantum yield of singlet oxygen, and realize the efficient visualization of tumor PDT。

Link to original article: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202408064

同时,该团队的另一项研究《太阳城app》也于近期发表在《太阳城app 主题教育》上。In this work, an analyte-induced molecular transformation (AIMT) strategy was proposed, and CE levels were monitored in real time by using a carboxylesterase (CE) -activated semi-cyanine molecular probe。Successful differentiation of liver cancer tumors with high CE levels (HepG2) and breast cancer tumors with low CE levels (MDA-MB-231) in small animal blind screening experiments。This work provides a new way to guide the decision of individualized treatment of cancer。Benhao Li, a research assistant at the Faculty of Medicine of Shenzhen University (now a postdoctoral fellow at the National University of Singapore), and Hengke Liu, a doctoral candidate, were the first authors, Professor Xiaoyuan Chen from the National University of Singapore and Professor Jing Lin from Shenzhen University were the corresponding authors, and Shenzhen University was the first completed and corresponding author unit。

Link to original article: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202404093

The above research has been supported by the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation, Basic research of Shenzhen Science and Technology Plan, and Shenzhen University。